
 1. I am grateful for each and every beautiful thing God has given me, this beautiful day to cherish.

2. I am grateful for Universe and God to fulfill my wish, i received message from Sam.

3. I am grateful to Ronak for his infinite live what he bestows upon me, he is amazing and cute partner.

4. I am grateful  for Mom to be thoughtful to bring me clothes, it made me feel happy.

5. I am grateful to my puppies and daisy, they give me lots of love.

6. Thankyou God to take care of my Panda, he is happy, makes me feel his, Thanks that his new family is taking care of him.

7. Thankyou da for bringing shawrma at night, it was delicious.

8. I am grateful for my inner self, and to you God that you have made me an expressive person to write, communicate effectively.

9. I am grateful for my work and my students, I am growing each and every single day. Thankyou.

10. Thankyou Universe, Thankyou Angels, Spirits, Devine Power to bless me with abundance of love,

i am really very much thankyou to embrace positive change in me.

11. Amen, Amen, Amen
